Lochinvar Live

Lochinvar are touring the UK, taking the latest heat pump technology on the road. Join us at Lochinvar Live where we deliver our all-new heat pump CPD in-person and conduct practical workshops to help you with your current projects and scenarios.

Lochinvar Live is an exclusive invite-only event. To ensure attendees get the best experience and 1-1 access to our heat pump specialists, the number of attendees will be limited. View our upcoming dates and locations below.

Lochinvar Live: Birmingham

Location: Midlands Suite, The Burlington Hotel, Birmingham
Date: Wednesday 2nd October.
Time: 17:30-21:00.
Catering: Canapes on arrival, food and drinks provided.

Lochinvar Live: London

Location: Garry Weston Library, Southwark Cathedral, London.
Date: Wednesday 23rd October.
Time: 17:30-21:00.
Catering: Canapes on arrival, food and drinks provided.

Lochinvar Live: Bristol

Location: The George White Suite, The Bristol Hotel, Bristol.
Date: Wednesday 30th October.
Time: 17:30-21:00.
Catering: Canapes on arrival, food and drinks provided.

Lochinvar Live: Manchester

Location: TBC.
Date: Wednesday 6th November.
Time: 17:30-21:00.
Catering: Canapes on arrival, food and drinks provided.