Information library

ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-252LTErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-302LTErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-402LTErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-452LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-452LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-502LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-512LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-602LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-682LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-702LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-752LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-802LTErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-902LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-912LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-1002LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-1102LTS-454Erp product fiche Amicus LAHP-1152LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-1202LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-1352LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-1402LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-1502LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-1602LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-1612LTS-454Erp product fiche Amicus LAHP-1792LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-1802LTErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-2002LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-2012LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-2302LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-2312LTS-454Erp product fiche Amicus LAHP-2304LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-2502LTErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-2504LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-2654LTS-454Erp product fiche Amicus LAHP-2954LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-3004LTErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-3204LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-3214LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-3504LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-3514LTS-454Erp product fiche Amicus LAHP-3954LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-4004LTErp product fiche Amicus LAHP-4454LTS-454ErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-4504LTErP product fiche Amicus LAHP-5004LT
Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP242LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP452LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP292LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP412LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP432LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP492LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP512LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP602LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP682LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP702LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP752LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP802LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP902LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP912LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP1002LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP1102LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP1152LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP1202LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP1352LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP1402LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP1502LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP1602LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP1612LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP1792LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP1802LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP2002LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP2012LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP2302LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP2304LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP2312LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP2502LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP2504LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP2654LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP2954LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP3004LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP3204LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP3504LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP3514LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP3954LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP4004LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP4454LTS-454Technical product submittal Amicus LAHP4504LTSTechnical product submittal Amicus LAHP5004LTS

Key features

  • 24 Models with heating capacities of up to 463kW heating and 413kW cooling
  • Suitable for low temperature hot water and domestic hot water applications
  • A coefficient of performance (COP) above 3.9 across the range in heating model
  • An Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) above 2.6 across the range in cooling mode (All at standard rating conditions)
  • Can operate as low as -20˚C in heating mode and +35˚C in cooling mode
  • Maximum output in heating mode of 60˚C at +5C outside air temperature
  • Low noise levels
  • Scroll compressors

Advanced integrated controls including:

  • BMS on/off
  • BMS Fault
  • Modbus connection
  • Domestic hot water priority
  • Anti-legionella programme
  • Auto switching of external pumps and back-up heat sources in bivalent systems


  • Integral circulating pump-factory fitted
  • Electronic soft start-factory fitted reduces start up current by up to 40%
  • Remote control panel- supplied loose for on site installation, duplicates the heat pump control interface in a more convenient location such as the plant room
  • Anti-vibration dampers-supplied loose for on site fitting, reduces vibration transmitted to the building
  • Thermal stores- used to overcome the peak load of the system and reduces the number of compressor starts for longer life
  • Domestic hot water plates and buffer vessels-specifically designed to work with the Amicus units featuring a very low delta t.
  • Backup immersion heaters to ensure L8 compliance for domestic hot water systems.